Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Wastong nutrisyon Kailangan lifestyle diseases iwasan"

"wastong nutrisyon kailangan lifestyle iwasan"
What does it mean?!
We can can say a person is healthy when he/she eat a proper nutrition like grow,go,glow food. we should have a good or proper nutrtion so that we want to be healthy, we should eat a nutritious food that our body needs.
This wastong nutrion, we celebrated every month of july so that the student will avoid sickness and will protect from the illnesses that we encountered.
The proper nutrition is very important for us because if we don't have a nutrition, we can't work properly because we don't have the proper nutritious food that we can eat for our everyday life. and we can't also do what we want to do......................


  1. your blog is nice and keep it up...

    good start!!!

  2. Hi! friend,, your blog is very done your job very well...
